Charismatic Kyle Palmer; Command school
第2話 - Chapter two
Came the sound of Kyle's alarm clock.
"F**k..." Kyle said turning off the alarm clock
"Hmmmph. New day" he said getting out of his bed. He went through his usual morning routine, ate breakfast and went to school.
In school, Kyle spoke to no one as usual. He just attended classes and went through his business.
During break, Kyle got lunch, located his usual spot in the cafeteria and went to sit down. Taking out a chip from his fried chips, his gaze fell on one of the boys sitting across him. He recalled that this same boy had been staring at him for some time. It wasn't too long before the boy approached him..
"Hi I'm James.. James Conor" the boy said holding out his hands
Kyle just kept staring at him. Unsure whether to take the hand shake or not.
For the past three years Kyle had been in Recruit school, he recalled he had made no real friends. He was brilliant in class, but wasn't socially attractive.. He usually kept to himself but now here he was with this boy almost the same age as him offering him a handshake.
Kyle took the handshake and introduced himself too, but was immediately cut off by James..
"I know your name Kyle.. Kyle Palmer right?"
"Hmm, okay...." Kyle said a bit confused..
After a few conversation, Kyle found out that James knew a bit about him, at least the things he wanted people to know.
Well it wouldn't hurt to make friends Especially now they had their final exams by corner. They chatted for some time before heading back to classes.
They both were in different arms, as the recruit was divided into four arms
and D respectively
Class A was intended for those with command skills. These A students were trained to acquire battle skills mentally and physically. Every students were given physical training but the A class was more focused on these.
Class B was intended for those with cyber skills. Their training was focused on computing, engineering, making use of digital weapons, as these were of great importance..
Class C was intended for those with medical skills. They were trained to acquire medical skills in all areas both digitally and on the field.
And Class D was intended for those with flying skills. These class was focused on training and producing pilots, both on ships and planes.
All these were the main focus of the Academy
as the battles were to be fought on ships and planes. Any other areas were focused on profession example plumbing, catering, manual engineering, etc... Although these other professions were considered important they were acquired outside of the Academy.
After three years students were to be picked from these classes through promotion exams. Those who failed were sent other institutions to study courses they see fit, meaning the Academy was a one time trip with only one trial.
Story continues in chapter three..
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