I had no friends because of body odor 😭

ゲスト2023/12/18 20:54

People can forget what you say but they can never forget how you make them feel,🥺 I would never forget how bad I felt when someone I wanted to hug pushed me away because I had body odour and she said: "Did you bath today? Because you smell so bad".... Right in front of everyone🤧 The painful part is they all laughed😒 I was so embarrassed, hurt, ashamed and speechless.... you name it. I wished the floor opened and swallowed me up that day, maybe just maybe the humiliation won't have been so bad No! No such thing happened, I was supposed to give a speech that day However I couldn't, I went home crying, losing all the self confidence and boldness I came with. I couldn't go to school for a week because I didn't know how to face everyone in school the next day. It was so horrible! I was just a young girl, who didn't have proper guidance when experiencing puberty. Couldn't she have told me that privately? When I finally went back to scho

I had no friends because of body odor 😭

シェア - I had no friends because of body odor 😭



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