Beauty expressed in great art works and ideas by Kundy Arts


The art products are combination of ideas, figure drawing regarding animals and how to spread awareness that will benefit the wild.The leapard drawing took 5 days to complete.The details contained in that product are a combination of many imotions that tell a story on behalf of the animals and simblolically people judged because of upbringing .lt tells a story that they is bueaty in our deferences that should be imbrassed and cherished.The leapard drawing simbolises that although we might be like predictors to others when they see us they is beauty in our black rose like spots which represent our characters.The main intention is to remove the fear that came about with general beliefs and judgements of the past, the intended result from this drawing is to get people to see the bueaty in animals and both people who seem to judge because of were they came from.It drives people to reach a positive mentally towards each other and the nature.


@Kundy Art(Makon Andrews)



Beauty expressed in great art works and ideas by Kundy Arts (1)

View at night

Beauty expressed in great art works and ideas by Kundy Arts (2)

Bird of prey ....

Beauty expressed in great art works and ideas by Kundy Arts (3)

Black in white Eland (Drawing)

Beauty expressed in great art works and ideas by Kundy Arts (4)

Nature color pencil drawing of an Eland.

Beauty expressed in great art works and ideas by Kundy Arts (5)

Frank buyanga

Beauty expressed in great art works and ideas by Kundy Arts (6)

Fruit and veggies

Beauty expressed in great art works and ideas by Kundy Arts (7)

(Drawing)Prophet Makandiwa and wife.

Beauty expressed in great art works and ideas by Kundy Arts (8)

(Drawing)Mudiwa Hood... Zimbabwean Celebrity and music super star

Beauty expressed in great art works and ideas by Kundy Arts (9)

Nasty C (Drawing) Kundy Art

Beauty expressed in great art works and ideas by Kundy Arts (10)

Amara brown (Kundy Art)

Beauty expressed in great art works and ideas by Kundy Arts (11)
Beauty expressed in great art works and ideas by Kundy Arts (12)

Rokie Zimbabwean musician.(Kundy Art)

Beauty expressed in great art works and ideas by Kundy Arts (13)

Kundy Art(Designs)

Beauty expressed in great art works and ideas by Kundy Arts (14)

Kundy Art brand design

Beauty expressed in great art works and ideas by Kundy Arts (15)

Kundy the Artist 😊☺️🥰

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