Ayesha Raza2022/02/21 10:44

Article Marketing is a form of marketing in which articles are strategically placed on the Internet to promote a specific website. The idea is to generate interest in your site, build trust as an expert in your niche, and create backlinks to your site that will improve its search engine rankings.


Article Marketing.

There isn’t a simple way to get visitors than submitting articles to article directory. Submitting an article to article directory is the most simple and effective way to gain quality traffic to your website. Many Search Gurus have considered Article Marketing to be the most effective method of gaining traffic to website.

The process of submitting article to an article directory is also very simple. All you need to do is write an informative article and submit the same to the Article Directory. Make sure the article is small and effective. It makes no sense to write a thousand word article and put the readers to sleep. Keep the article small, informative and simple. Your article should convey the effectiveness of your website in the best possible way so much so that it will grab the readers attention, without getting too bored.

How can my website get visitors by writing article?

To have visitors you need to promote your website link. Every article directory allows its authors to promote their website link in the resource section of the Article Directory. Resource box is the place where you can speak about yourself, your website and your product. Keep the resource box simple as you can. If your article is informative enough then get ready for a click on your website link through the resource box of the Article directory.

Do I need to submit my Article to just one Article Directory?

If your looking for good traffic and visitors to your website you have to make sure you submit your website to many Article Directories. Just submitting article to one Article Directory will not help. You have to exhibit your website link to visitors so as to encourage them to visit your website and finally buy your product. You can get best results by writing multiple articles and submitting the same to multiple Article Directories.

By submitting multiple articles to different Article directories you are actually marketing your website in the best possible way. My advice to you would be to take the initiative of submitting at least one article to a group of article directories everyday. I understand it can be a bit boring to submit article to different article directories. If you do not have the time you can hire the services of professional Link builders who can not just help you in writing quality article but also submit the same to thousands of Article Directories on the Internet.

The effectiveness of Article Marketing is increasing everyday. Many people have started to realize the importance of submitting articles to article directories. If you’re new to the concept of Article Directory, I hope this article must have provided you with a basic idea about the subject.

Most internet sites receive about 75% of visitors from search engines like Google, Yahoo or MSN. Google is the worldwide market leader in the search engine market. Because of this fact it is very important for every webmaster in the world to archive good rankings in Google’s search engine result pages (SERPs).

The most efficient way to archive good ranking in search engine result pages is to collect a lot of inbound links from authority sites for a specific niche. For a lot of webmasters selling links was quite a profitable way to make some cash. The monthly price of a link is mainly based on the Page Rank of the site selling the link. The Page Rank is assigned by Google and is visible in the Google Toolbar. Recently Google penalized most link selling sites. Many of those sites lost some of their Page Rank. This is the reason why selling links is mich more difficult nowadays or you will get much less money for links.

So for Google selling links is against their guidelines – link exchanges are against their webmaster guidelines as well. Though, Google suggests to collect many quality inbound links in order to archive better rankings in the search engine result pages.

May well known web directories lost most of their Page Rank as well. A lot of directories were penalized so most of them are useless for link campaigns.

Is an estabilished fact that Article Marketing works by a large number of Internet Marketers in wide variety of niches. This has been repeatedly proven. However, those who have not ever attempted article marketing tend to think that it is harder or more time consuming than it actually is.

Starts by writing an article. This can be done by yourself or you can hire a ghost writer. The cost of ghost written articles is usually less than $10.00 for a 300 to 500 word article. It is important that the article be informative and related to your niche. The article should not sound like a sales letter.

At the end of the article, you include your ‘resource box.’ A resource box is simply information about the author, and it usually includes a link to the authors related website, a link to subscribe to a newsletter, and possibly even an email address to contact the author. If your article is ghost written, you are still the author.

Underneath the resource box, you type a statement giving others the right to reprint the article for free, as long as they don’t change it and keep your resource box attached. This allows others to help make your article viral.

Once the article is written, you should distribute it to as many article directories as you can find. It helps to also send the article to ezine publishers within your niche for consideration. You can find lists of ezines in the various ezine directories that are available on the Internet.

There is article-submission software that can be used to speed up submitting your article in. One example of this type of software is Instant Article Submitter at . There are also services that will manually submit your article to directories. This is highly recommended because many article directories do not allow and will not accept articles submitted with software. One such recommended article submission service is We Submit Articles at: .

Submitting the articles yourself is a time consuming task. If you can hire someone else to do that work, you will have more time overall to concentrate your efforts on other marketing tasks, including producing more articles.


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