It hurt to know that life played me for a fool
It hurt when I realized even my friends weren't real
The joyful laughs and the welcoming hugs
Were nothing but a trail of lies
The pain of disappointment
Became an attachment
But ever felt fresh
Preventing all amendment
When I managed to look up
I saw the light of hope
Manipulating my mind to cook up
Plans to help me cope
My efforts to me nowhere
For my pain overpowered my heart
I looked and searched everywhere
For hands to push my cart
To drag me from this painful world
And the tears in which I sat
The beating drum of my heart
Against my broken soul
The force tearing me apart
And the voice that said come home
Home seemed to be so far
My legs won't let me go
I try to be brave
For the freedom that I crave
But every eye stare at me
Waiting for me to fail
I can't hold on any longer
I need death to quench my hunger
So my wounds will heal faster
And the pain will be no more
But that just seems impossible
Yet the pain is so unbearable
How did I get so vulnerable
I thought I was undefeatable
But now it's weighing me down
My life is in pieces now
For broken, broken
Is indeed what I am now.
~iWind 🌸
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