Study Reveals a 24% Reduction in Diabetes Risk With a Nourishing Plant-Based Diet

Answer2023/12/12 20:46

Plant based diets for preventing diabetes

A robust lifestyle, particularly embracing a plant-based diet, has proven effective in preventing many cases of type 2 diabetes. In a study led by Tilman Kühn from MedUni Vienna's Center for General Health, the protective effects of a plant-based diet are enhanced when reducing consumption of animal-based and heavily processed, sweet foods. Positive outcomes, including improved metabolism and liver/kidney function, were observed alongside a decreased likelihood of obesity. Published in Diabetes and Digestion, the study found that a healthy plant-based diet reduces the risk of diabetes by 24%, even considering genetic predisposition and other risk factors. The research, involving 113,097 participants over 12 years, identified biomarkers indicating improved metabolic processes and organ functions as key mediators of the diet's health effects. Notably, the study highlighted the significance of liver and kidney function in diabetes prevention, shedding light on previously underestimated benefits of a conscious plant-based diet.

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