Meta world set to transform blockchain gaming with innovation metaverse

Meta World Set to Transform Blockchain Gaming with Innovative Metaverse
Meta World Set to Transform Blockchain Gaming with Innovative Metaverse
Meta World, the popular blockchain game brought to you by Metaverse Team, is set to transform blockchain gaming with an innovative approach that combines virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). The first-of-its-kind immersive blockchain world, which debuted its pre-sale in January 2018, has already established itself as one of the most anticipated blockchain games to date. With advanced graphics and an innovative design, Meta World represents the future of blockchain games that utilize bleeding edge technology and the latest 3D visual effects to create an interactive experience like no other.
The team behind meta world
Escape from Tarkov is planning an immersive, 3D blockchain-based game that’s set to reshape not only gaming, but blockchain technology as a whole. This endeavor has been dubbed meta world: Escape from Tarkov. It’s an ambitious undertaking that has already captured over $1.5 million in funding from a private sale of its tokens (ERC-20 Ethereum), and it’s set to enter its ICO pre-sale on May 17th. The public sale will begin on June 1st and continue until July 1st or until hard cap is reached.
The game
Players can go inside any building and ride any vehicle, allowing them a complete immersion into a mixed reality world. In order to maintain high quality game experience, there are certain items that will only be available in-game. This is where META tokens come in, which allow players to purchase weapons, ammunition, potions and even vehicles. The transactions are carried out on blockchain and smart contracts guarantee payment for products or services at agreed-upon rates. All information on transactions is public so players can be sure they will get what they pay for.
Community behind meta world
Lisk is much more than a sidechain, it’s also a platform for dapps and protocols. As such, it has its own community of developers and investors who are well-versed in blockchain technology, but may not be familiar with gaming development. Luckily, meta world already has their own community of users and token holders—all of whom will be ready for blockchain games once meta world launches. In fact, crypto analysts predict that as many as 2 billion gamers could play crypto games by 2020. With an established user base and innovative tech behind them, meta world is poised to ride that wave into profitability soon after they launch
The road map
Meta World plans to be at least as widely adopted and used as Fortnite. The project has already built a strong community of fans and supporters who are eager for its release. With an innovative and enticing gaming platform, Meta World is poised to be one of blockchain’s most popular applications. The upcoming release promises several new features that will transform how gamers interact with each other and their environment on a global scale. Cryptocurrency integration allows for faster interactions, seamless gameplay, and even means for earning in-game money. In addition, it also enables users to use cryptocurrency to buy or sell gaming assets or upgrades across different games—giving blockchain gaming a whole new meaning!
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