Okoro has always been enjoyed from age to age all over the world. As a tropical flowering edible vegetable seed-pod crop or fruit, cultivated in Africa, South America, Asia, and now can grow all over the world, each country and people knows this Natural vegetable fruit, crop Okra with different names, and use's, it either as a food recipe, or it's other medicinal benefits, as a recipe because of it's very high quality level of nutritional benefits.But our focus here, in Afric- Recipe1, is the use of Okoro as a Recipe for prepareing "Okoro Soup" Oho Okwuru (ofe) by the Isukwuato people of Abia State, which you can eat with Gari, Pounded-Yam (Utaraji) "Apku', nicknamed swallow, Tuwo-Shinkafa, Semovita etc.As earlier stated , that's Okra is a Natural vegetable flowering fruit or seed-pod crop, which comes in different Species and some times colors; it is used to prepare a Sweet delicacy called' Okoro- Soup and it is combined, by the Igbo people of West African Region, also with other vegetables to make "Yam" sauce. But here our focus is how to make, Okoro- Soup, also it is a popular, home Soup by Abia people, especially Isukwuato people, "Oho Okwuru" ( Okra Soup ). Therefore here are the Ingredients or some of the recipes combined in the preparation of Okoro-Soup.
(1) Okoro : You will just cut this Okra fruits into smaller bits, with small sharp knife or use of hand greater if available. VTpass.com
[Sliced Okro photo: by Gisternews]
(2) Water : wash your hands before cooking and wash your cooking recipe before adding them to your cook.You can use the same water extracted from your already cook meat and fish, cod fish, dry. fish etc.Add water according to the size of other ingredients that's, you're using in preparing the Soup and also your taste.
(3) Fluted Pumpkins leaves (Ugu leafs): wash your Ugu leaves and cuts into tiny bits and make it ready to be added to your Soup.
[Pumkin leaf's image: Gisternews]
(4) Palm Oil : ( nicknamed red oil ) "Nmanu-Nri" which you are going to add, according to the size of other ingredients use in preparing the Soup ( measurement) is important.
[Palm oil image: Gisternews]
(5) Crayfish: Grind the the crayfish, measure and add according to your soup size (volume) and your taste.,
[ Crayfish Photo: Gisternews]
(6) Fresh or Dried Peppers: Add according to your taste and the size, (volume) of the Soup.
[Red perppers photo: Gisternews]
(7) Meat, Fish, Fresh or Dried: Boil your meat, Fish, cod fish, and (Mbasa) remember that you can use extracted water from your boiled meat and fish to add to your cooking soup.
[Per-boild freshfish image: Gisternews]
(8) Salt And Maggi : to taste, or use local maggi "Ogiri Igbo or Ogiri Okpeyii " to bring out the taste of all the other, ingredients in the soup. Or if you want to go more natives in preparing the Okra soup; especially for the people that needs more of it's medicinal benefits, emphasis on reducing body weight, smartness, then remove Palm oil (red oil) add this particular native spices or ingredients to the Soup;
['Uda', local spice Photo: Gisternews]
"Uda" ( Native name ) and the second one is Okpojo ( back of a tree called okpojo) gotten by pilling it's back . ( "Okpojo" native name of the tree). The unique taste of these both natives spices ( Uda and Okpojo ), brings out the taste of, all the whole other, ingredients use in making the soup, in addition to their own unique taste..Please remember to add less Pepper to the soup while making use of this local spices
[Photo, gisternews]
(9) Onion's: Another ingredient you are not going to forget is Onions, if you are the type that's like the taste, and more of it's antioxidant, health, nutritional benefits that's naturally packed in onions.
[Onions, photo : gisternews]
(B): Cooking Of The Okoro Soup.
(I) Adding the ingredients to the Soup. First use the extrcted water from your cook meat, Fish, Cod fish ( MaEngala, Mbasa) dried fish, if not enough add more water to it, and allow to boil for few minutes and Start to add other ingredients to the boiling water, some potion of your chopped or cut onions, then your Palmoil, allow to boil very well, taste for salt, whether the salting in your extrcted cook meet is ok, if it is not enough add more to taste, after that's' add your crayfish, pepper, Maggi add your already cook meet, Fish, codfish (Ukporoko, Mangala) dried fish and allow to boil very well and make sure the redoil is done, after your redoil is done, add your already cuts Okoro, remaining portion of onions and allow for sum couple of minutes, after that's add your Ugu leafs ( Pumpkins leaves). Allow to boil for one to two minutes, leave it half-done and bring it down and serve.
[Okro vegetable soup: photo Gisternews].
(II) Adding the ingredients, note that some people will start to add a particular recipe or ingredients different from the way, it was listed above, it doesn't matter, some will like to reduce the slipperiness of the Okoro and start by frying the Okoro with the red-oil, for few minutes before adding water and other ingredients, so at the end, it will still be that's delicious Okoro-Soup.