My Sweetheart

第1話 - The Proposal

Mr. Batra2022/06/30 21:49

The setting sun added a tinge of crimson to the evening sky and

illuminated a quivering path across the water. As I sat wondering about

my life ahead, the eloquent light from the lighthouse flashed in my eyes.

In a sudden moment of realization, everything came falling back to me.

Her iridescent eyes, a deep contrast of blue and green, beckoned to me.

This was not the first time, and certainly wasn't going to be the last. The

cool breeze kissed her hair, a shade darker than the purest of velvety

nights. Despite having been 3 years to our friendship, it seemed that I still

knew so little about her, and in the process of finding her true self, I

enjoyed losing my own.

3 years ago, we were practically strangers, and now, we could sit for

hours together without speaking a word. She could give me the strength

to move forward and strive harder without so much as an "I believe in

you". It was as if she had become a reason to live. I had no reason to be

jealous seeing her talk to other boys, yet I couldn't help it. For the outside

world, I was a stoic introvert, but I was never able to hold back in front of

her. She knew of all my insecurities but had never left me to face my

problems alone. Perhaps she had become a part of my life more than I


Her eyes fixated on the sky above; she pulled her knees closer. "Is she

feeling cold?" I wondered. I reached out my hand and put it on top of her

hand, an involuntary response, I assure you. She shuddered a bit; I had

probably broken her out of her train of thought. In a sudden change of

expression, I looked into the depth of her eyes and said "I like you".