The Perfect Crime

第1話 - Prologue

Mr. Batra2022/01/18 21:22

1. Vinay Sharma: He is a rich businessman and in the prime of his physique and extremely healthy. He specializes in the sale of second-hand cars.

2. Kalyani Sharma: The wife of Vinay Sharma. She is a housewife. She and Mr. Vinay had known each other for a long time even before she got married to him.

3. Balbir Sharma: A successful novelist and a loner. His only family is his elder brother Vinay.

4. Ram Dayal: The loyal servant of Vinay and Kalyani Sharma.

5. Doctor Lal: An extremely gifted doctor who can understand the backstory of the victims merely by looking at their wounds.

The play is set in Chandigarh in the early 2000s.