Listen to your heart!

Vincentdoorpoet2022/01/12 07:38

How great adventure life can be when you listen to your heart even in difficult times. How it can lead you to your greatness

Listen to your heart!

Listen to your heart

Have you ever thought of going on a trip heavens!

Not even heavens ...the sky!

How did they feel so much that they ravened to it!


Did that man who came up with a rocket ,sat too much watching the moon ,the stars!

That He become obsessed with such unimmortal ideas🌝

Sometimes ..may be

Listen to your heart

Is it happy' is it hurt

Experience yourself deep ,your human part

Its a beautiful art sometimes

Its how great singers produce their lyrics

How great poets line up words of wonders

But mostly its how people get to feel themselves

Get to know themselves...

Are they doing good in their hoods of life🌝

Whenever the moon does its magic of beauty in the sky

I key in my let go of guard that makes up my ego

And i echo the wind in the desert

I desert every strength holding back me, from human

I open up my heart to myself

Is happy ,then i experience happiness

Is hurting then i experince heartbreak,allow myself to break 🌚

Embrace humanity ,its our race braced on us for a reason

Isnt it so much gift to feel,however much sometimes it makes us ill

But sometimes makes us heal🌝




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