Are There Any Legitimate Essay Writing Services?

Jacob Winston2023/11/30 09:04

In the highly competitive realm of academia, upholding outstanding grades stands as a paramount goal for every college student. Whether you find yourself on a scholarship with demanding grade prerequisites or are navigating through an abundance of assignments, reliable writing services have the potential to significantly impact your academic journey.

While the reliability of such services may have been questionable in the past, the industry has undergone a significant transformation. Now, reputable, trustworthy, and legal companies have emerged. Of course, it's important to exercise due diligence in researching your options, as there are still some less reputable sites out there. To make things easier, we've compiled a list of the top legitimate and affordable companies that consistently deliver high-quality essays.

Legitimate Essay Writing Services:





When it comes to essay writing services, there are several reputable options available to students. Let's delve into the details of each of the services you've mentioned:,,, and WriteMyEssay.Help.


Overview: is a well-established essay writing service known for its commitment to delivering high-quality academic content. The platform boasts a team of experienced writers who specialize in various academic fields.

They cover a wide range of topics, ensuring that students can find assistance with virtually any subject. Explore the list of all essay services offered by - pick from argumentative, descriptive, and more.

Pricing: In terms of pricing, offers competitive rates. The cost of a paper depends on factors such as academic level, deadline, and the type of assignment. They also offer additional services like proofreading, editing, and plagiarism checks for an extra fee.

Writers: takes pride in its team of skilled writers. They are carefully selected through a rigorous process that evaluates their qualifications and writing abilities. This ensures that customers receive content of the highest standard. boasts a team of skilled writers who excel in various types of essays, including persuasive essays, argumentative essays, and more. They consistently deliver high-quality content tailored to your specific needs. Political science essay writing service is a testament to their expertise in this realm.

The EssayBot is a prime example of an AI essay writing tool that has revolutionized the way students approach essay writing. This innovative tool seamlessly integrates AI technology to assist students in crafting compelling and well-structured essays.


Overview: is another best essay writing service known for its reliability and professionalism. They have a strong track record of delivering well-researched and original essays to students at various academic levels.

Pricing: The pricing structure at is designed to be reasonable and accessible for students. They offer different price tiers based on factors like deadline, academic level, and the type of assignment. This allows customers to choose options that best suit their needs and budget.

Writers: boasts a team of qualified writers with expertise in different academic disciplines. They are dedicated to providing custom-written essays that meet the specific requirements of each customer. AI Essay Writer is a powerful tool that can help students improve their productivity and write better essays. The tool uses artificial intelligence to generate high-quality essays on a variety of topics. It can also help students improve their writing skills by providing feedback and suggestions.


Overview: is a service that prides itself on delivering top-notch essays that meet the highest academic standards. They have a reputation for providing well-researched and original content to students.

Pricing: offers competitive pricing with different rates based on factors like academic level, deadline, and type of assignment. They also provide options for additional services like proofreading and editing.

Writers: The writing team at is composed of experienced professionals who are experts in their respective fields. This ensures that customers receive essays that are not only well-written but also thoroughly researched.

When you're in need of a reliable essay-writing service, should be at the top of your list. Their dedication to excellence, competitive pricing, and a team of expert writers make them a standout choice for any student. So, the next time you find yourself thinking "write my essay," consider for a top-notch academic experience.

Also, do check out’s AI Essay Writer which is a super helpful tool for writing essays. You just tell it your topic or question, and it magically turns your ideas into great essays. It’s almost like having your own personal typist using artificial intelligence.


Overview: TheEssayWritingService is a professional essay writing service known for its commitment to delivering well-researched and original essays. They aim to provide academic assistance to students who require help with their writing assignments.

Pricing: The pricing at TheEssayWritingService is competitive, with different rates based on factors like academic level, deadline, and type of assignment. They also offer additional services like proofreading and editing.

Writers: TheEssayWritingService has a team of experienced writers who specialize in various academic disciplines. They are dedicated to producing essays that meet the specific requirements of each customer.

These services offer valuable options for students seeking assistance with their academic writing needs. Each one has its own strengths and areas of expertise, providing students with a range of choices to suit their individual requirements.

Being a college student means juggling a heavy workload, and utilizing an essay writing service can be a lifesaver. However, many students are unsure where to find reliable companies, which often prevents them from reaping the benefits. This curated list of the top essay writing services is designed to help you find the perfect fit for your needs.

Each of the companies listed above is known for their trustworthiness and security, ensuring top-notch service for every customer. Don't waste your precious time struggling with one essay after another.


Is using an essay service legal?

Yes, using an essay service is generally legal. However, it's essential to ensure that you use such services responsibly. Purchasing essays for academic submission should be done with the understanding that they are meant for research purposes and as a learning aid. Submitting someone else's work as your own without proper attribution is considered plagiarism and is against academic integrity policies.


How can I get help with writing an essay?

Getting help with writing an essay is easy and can be done through various platforms. You can hire professional essay writers online who specialize in different subjects. Look for reputable essay writing services that provide custom, plagiarism-free content. Additionally, consider reaching out to academic writing centers at educational institutions or hiring a tutor for personalized assistance.


What is the average hourly charge for essay writers?

The hourly charge for essay writers can vary depending on factors such as the writer's experience, expertise, and the complexity of the task. On average, freelance essay writers may charge anywhere from $20 to $50 per hour. However, rates can go higher for specialized topics or urgent requests. It's advisable to discuss and agree upon the payment terms with the writer before starting the project.

Useful Resources

Best Essay Writing Services in the US 2023

Best Essay Writing Services According to Students' Reviews

MyPerfectWords: Your Best Essay Writing Service in 2024

CollegeEssay : Best Essay Writing - 2024

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