Pupils Physical Access to Lower Basic Schools (Dr. Sarah Oyemwen Osah ** Dr. Kenneth Kelechi Obasi)

第1話 - Assessment of the Level of Physical Access of Pupils to Lower Basic Schools in River State, Nigeria

FXintegrity2021/12/21 13:12

This study examined the level of physical access of pupils to lower basic

schools in Rivers State. One research question guided the study. The

descriptive research design was used. The population for the study was the 942 public lower basic schools in Rivers State. A sample of 289 schools was used for the study. Stratified random sampling was used to draw the sample. Document analysis was the instrument used for the study. The instrument was validated by five experts. Mean statistic was used to answer the research question. Finding revealed that the radius per child for pupils in Rivers State lower basic schools is unsatisfactory high. It was therefore recommended among others that the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Universal Basic Education should ensure that schools are properly sited in such a way that it will adhere to the 2 kilometre standard distance for developing countries. The Ministry of Education should ensure strict compliance with the policy provision on the maximum distance a child could cover to access the nearest school by re-mapping the current school network